Salt City IPA
Creative Solutions by Wenham
Snow Flooring Logo
Earth, Wind and Solar
Luke William Birth
Puppy Portraits
Trixie's Showgirls
Basil Rathbone
Zombie Bash
Celebrity VIP Party
70,000 Tons of Metal
Salt City IPA
Salt City IPA

Promo posters for a new IPS at Middle ages Brewery.

Creative Solutions by Wenham
Creative Solutions by Wenham

Promotional flyer for Creative Solutions by Wenham, a brewery and winery based marketing firm.

Snow Flooring Logo
Snow Flooring Logo

Logo & lawn sign design for a flooring contractor.

Earth, Wind and Solar
Earth, Wind and Solar

An identity system for Earth, Wind and Solar; a solar and wind power company.

Luke William Birth
Luke William Birth

Happy Born Day Announcement

Puppy Portraits
Puppy Portraits
Trixie's Showgirls
Trixie's Showgirls

I created this one to be sold at Trixie’s Burlesque show’s to help raise money for her cancer treatment. Let me know if you’re interested in a print. All proceeds to go her medical care.

Basil Rathbone
Basil Rathbone

Created this for John Schneider’s movie premier at Scareacon.

Zombie Bash
Zombie Bash

Flyer for the 2015 Scare-A-Con 1980's Zombie Bash themed party hosted by Turning Stone Casino

Celebrity VIP Party
Celebrity VIP Party

Scare-A-Con Pass for the 2015 Celebrity VIP Party


Created this for the best 16 yo I know! <3

70,000 Tons of Metal
70,000 Tons of Metal

These were made into embroidered patches.


This one is a commissioned piece to commemorate a killer festival.